Text By Rich Rogers – Photos above and below at Mvy studios and on location by Ben Allsup
On Friday, April 20th a group of 5 of us ventured to mvyradio to pay tribute to the one and only Damien Palanza. Erica M. Szuplat had obtained government clearance for us to infiltrate the radio station for 2 hours. They have a show called “The Hot Seat” , where you control what is played. She mistakenly called upon myself, Terry Rogers, and T.L.B for help. She also some how booked world traveler Ben Allsup to document the shannigans.
So after some very intense top secret meetings we came up with a playlist of songs that reminded us of Damien. Some made us laugh, some made us cry (well just me). We also picked some of the songs that he covered on the regular. We threw in a few surprises also. With the professional guidance of Jess Phaneuf, we spent 2 hours in some close quarters making many funnies and sharing stories. The Avett Brothers, Crooked Coast, Joey Batts, Ryan Montbleau, Don McCloskey and Will Dailey just to name a few artists to be played over the two shows.
So Monday(4/23) night at 9 pm WMVY will air part 1 of our Hot Seat. Part 2 will air May 21st at 9 pm. In true Damien style- We hope you will listen and enjoy our work, and if you don’t, we really don’t care! Miss You Brother!
P.s- The show can be streamed tomorrow at www.mvyradio.com.
Mvy is 88.7 on your dial in the Falmouth area.